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Ebook : 10 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship

When you hear about couples who maintain a strong relationship through all of life’s challenges, you may wonder how they do it. Some of these couples have faced the same kinds of difficulties that can lead to break-ups for other people, such as financial problems, trouble with in-laws, or differences in interests or personalities. But somehow, these couples have stayed together while others haven’t.

For a long time marriage counselors and others thought that couples had the best chance of staying together if they had similar backgrounds and interests. But recently, experts have developed a different view. Many people now believe that common backgrounds and interests may be less important than other factors, such as differences in values, how couples handle disagreements, or how committed they are.

Every couple is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a good relationship. But people who’ve stayed together for a long time tend to have some of the same things in common. Here are ten tips based on the conclusions experts have drawn from studying successful relationships:

1. Have a strong commitment to making your relationship work.

Many couples start out with a strong commitment to their relationship but, after a while, begin to give it less attention. They may neglect each other while focusing on their work, children, or a time-consuming hobby. In strong relationships both people may have outside interests, but they continue to make their commitment to each other a top priority.

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