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Tutorial : Polished Wood Text Effect

This tutorial will explain a simple way to create a polished wood like text effect, using layer styles to give the beveled look, and a couple of filters to create the texture.

 The Final Result

  • the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
  • the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768
  • you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
Step 1:

- Open the Background. image, and create your text with the color #ef9c00. The font used is Mabella, and the size is 450px.

 Step 2:

Double click on the text layer to apply the following styles:
 - Drop Shadow: Change the Color to #664d24. Remove the check next to Use Global Light, and change the Angle to 7. Also, change the Distance to 16 and the Size to 10.
- Inner Shadow: Change the Color to #4c3a28 and the Size to 18.
- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Depth to 320, and the Direction to Down and the Size to 20. Also, check the Anti-aliased box, change the Highlight Mode color to #c8b18c and the Shadow Mode color to #dfb99a.
- Contour: Change the Contour to Gaussian, and check the Anti-aliased box as well.
The text should look like this:

Step 3:
 - Create a new layer on top of the text layer and call it “texture”.
  - Press the Ctrl key and click on the text layer’s thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.
 - Set the Foreground color to #ef9c00 and the Background color to #52443c. Make sure that the “texture” layer is active (selected), and fill the selection with the Foreground color (#ef9c00).

Press Ctrl + D to get rid of the selection.

Step 4:
- Go to Filter -> Render -> Fibers, set the Variance to 16, and the Strength to 4.
- Go to Filter -> Sketch -> Chalk and Charcoal, change the Charcoal Area value to 6, the Chalk Area to 6, and the Stroke Pressure to 1.

- Go to Filter -> Sketch -> Chrome, change the Detail value to 0, and the Smoothness to 10.

- Change the “texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.
- Go to Image -> Adjustment -> Levels, and change the Shadows value to 20.

- This will make the texture colors more vivid..

Step 5:
- This step is optional, but it helps set the colors of the final effect with the Background. So go ahead and create a new layer on top of all layers, and with the Foreground and Background colors are still as in Step 3, create a Radial Gradient form the center of the document to one of the corners.
- Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply, and the Fill value to 10%.

And that’s it!

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