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Tutorial : Use Microsoft Word 2007’s Mail Merge Feature

 No doubt, Microsoft is one of the leading software development companies in the world. They have developed lots of software for the people to facilitate them in their work. Microsoft word is the most commonly used software for creating drafts, letters, and certificates. One of the strongest features of Word 2007 is the mail merge feature. It allows the user to create multiple documents containing similar data without having to change the document individually. Mail merging is not a very difficult process to perform and anyone can learn to do it easily.
The things you need are:
1.     Microsoft Word 2007
2.     Basic knowledge about using Microsoft Word.
To use mail merge feature just follow the simple steps below:

1.     Open Microsoft Word 2007.
2.     Create new blank document.
3.     Insert a table by clicking on the “insert” tab and then on table button.
4.     Select the number of rows and columns. Let’s say we make a table containing 3 rows and 2 columns.
Now in the 1st column of 1st row type “name”.
6.     In the 2nd column of 1st row type “marks”.
And fill information of your choice in the remaining empty spaces.
Now save this document by clicking on the disk button located in the top-left corner.
9.     Name it anything, like”mail merge”. You can save it anywhere; we’ll save it on the desktop.
10.   Now create new blank document.
11.   Type in whatever you want, and leave spaces for the information that is to be retrieved through mail merge.
The yellow highlighted place in the picture above, represent the spaces left for the data which is to be imported from the mail merge file.
13.   Now click on the mailing tab.
14.   And click “select recipient” button. Then click “use existing list”.
Now open the “mail merge” word file which we created earlier.
16.   Now position your typing cursor to the place where you want to use a specific data from the mail merge file.
17.   In the example above, position the cursor in front of “Dear”.
18.   Then click the “Insert Merge Field” in the Mailing tab.
19.   And then click “name”. “<<name>>” will appear in place of cursor.
20.   Similarly position your cursor in front of “with”.
21.   Again click “insert merge field” and this time click “marks”
22.   “<<marks>>” will appear in place of the cursor.
23.   The example above should look something like this now.
Now to preview the results just click the “preview result” button in the mailing tab.
25.   You will notice that the “name” and “marks” fields will be replaced by the data imported from the mail merge file.
26.   Now you can print this document. Microsoft Word 2007 will coordinate the data with the prints. The number of pages printed will depend on the number of separate data provided in the mail merge file. In the above example, word will print two similar pages, just replacing the data given in the mail merge file since we provided data relating to two persons i.e. Alex and Mercer.
27.   To print the document just click the “Finish & Merge” button and then click “Print Documents”.

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